Venero Armanno

Venero Armanno


  • My Beautiful Friend
  • Black Mountain
  • From Goodreads:Born in Brisbane, Australia on August 19
    Twitter: charliesmoke17;

    Venero Armanno, the son of Sicilian migrants, was born in Brisbane. He has traveled and worked throughout the world. In 1995, 1997 and 1999 he lived and wrote in the Cité International des Arts, Paris.
    He is the author of Jumping at the Moon, a book of short stories (equal runner-up in the prestigious Steele Rudd Award) and eight novels, including The Volcano, which won the Queensland Premier’s Literary Award for Best Fiction Novel (2002) and was short-listed for the Courier Mail Best Book of the Year.
    His work has been published internationally and he is currently a senior lecturer at the University of Queensland.

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