Zimply Books


It’s now March 2019 and Scribblings is revamping… yet again … to this new site “There’s Too Much Stuff”.

ZimplyBooks needs to reflect the need to manage books and helping to manage infoglut in the book sphere. I am not sure yet how this should happen so be patient while I sort it out. I know you won’t as you don’t have enough time to stop because – THERE”S TOO MUCH STUFF!

Sorry to any unfortunate soul who floats past and drops in for a nanosecond as they surf the net. What you will find are comments about books I have read or books I am interested in reading.

I don’t know about you but when I stand in front of a bookshelf my eyes dart from cover to cover wishing I had the ability (and time) to read them all.

I do forget what I have read and I also come across interesting reviews or lists of books other enjoy so I am going to try and document this on Zimply Books. It will be chaotic for a while but you’re only here for a nanosecond, so chill…only joking enjoy and comment should you wish to waste good reading time.

Whats New?

Books Recently Read or Waiting on the Shelf! Here are heaps and heaps of books I am interested in reading or have recently found.
The Bookshelf

Filtering the Infoglut.