The Lady at the End of The Leash

The Lady at the End of the Leash.

From Balboa Press:

Excitement and the unexpected sometimes comes with four paws, a wagging tail, and a bark. And for one couple who needed a change, a newspaper article gave Jessie Garth the sudden inspiration she needed to nudge her adamant husband, Ken, to welcome the unexpected—to foster, train, and welcome home a guide dog puppy.

In The Lady at the End of the Leash, author Jessie Garth shares the exciting, heart-warming, and bittersweet story of Ella, a spritely, delightful, six-week-old Labrador retriever puppy who would return to Guide Dogs Queensland for extensive training to become a working Guide Dog. Content in his well planned, semi-reclusive retirement, Ken reluctantly agrees to become a puppy raising family—but he’s not prepared for the consequences as he fights to keep his daily routine. As both Jessie and Ken quickly realise the seriousness of their commitment, they learn to break their routine and enjoy a wonderful new lifestyle. Ella would even help their grandchildren grow up within the discipline of raising a guide dog puppy—being proud to walk by Ella’s side when out and about, and sharing in the joy, the laughter, and the care.

Join Jessie and Ken in their story about wanting more out of life—more excitement, and a little of the unexpected—with Ella, a remarkable puppy who bounded into their lives and changed Ken’s routine, bringing havoc, love, joy, and laughter—and teaching them as much as they taught her.

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